Air Handling Unit Maintenance



Optimised air solutions for
eco-friendly ventilation

Air handling units (AHUs) are the heart of any building's ventilation system, and so regular maintenance is crucial to ensure their optimal performance. Scheduled maintenance serves to remove any accumulated dust, dirt and debris, thereby preventing breakdowns and extending the lifespan of your AHU system.

To that end, Kavanaghs Air Conditioning Services offer comprehensive maintenance and repair services to ensure the proper function of all your AHU's components, minimising downtime and allowing for the proper ventilation of your commercial facility.

 an air handling unit on the exterior of a building



What air handling unit maintenance do we offer?


Cleaning and inspection 

Removing dust and debris from your system's coils, filters, fans and ductwork allows for proper airflow.

Filter Replacement

Regular filter replacements enhances indoor air quality and prevents strain on your AHU system.

Component Servicing

The lubrication of moving parts and calibration of components allows for the smooth operation and maximum efficiency of your AHU system.




Book our air handling unit services today

In the event of an outright breakdown, Kavanaghs Air Conditioning Services has you covered. As experts in air conditioning in Wolverhampton, we have the practical skills and technical knowledge to diagnose and repair issues promptly and effectively. This spans both mechanical faults like fan motor issues or technical faults like a sensor malfunction.

Please direct any questions or concerns to 07837 483547.

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